Practice makes perfect, and this is certainly the case when it comes to developing your presentation style. You’ll need to follow a number of essentials to become a better public speaker and overcome anxiety. Here are ten ways develop presentation style, regardless of your experience level.

1. Learn from the Best
Seeing the performance of great speakers can help you find inspiration to overcome your shortcomings. Pay attention to their body language, the information they include in every single presentation, the tone, and structure. Identify the elements that make the speech a success and try to replicate those.

2. Plan, Plan, Plan
Some people worry that planning and practicing will make the speech sound canned, but this isn’t true. A convincing presentation is delivered by someone who knows what they’re speaking about. Improvising now and then could be fun, but the lack of overall preparation will make the entire delivery amateurish.

3. Learn More about Your Audience
You’re delivering a presentation to a specific audience. This is the main reason why you have to prepare and write the material for the respective group of people rather than for yourself.  What types of individuals will be attending the presentation? Will they be professionals? Academics? A general audience? Answering these questions in advance will help you figure out what information and what delivery method will produce the best results.

4. Record Yourself
Practicing in the mirror is one thing. Video recording yourself is something different.  Recording your practice sessions and reviewing those will give you a lot of valuable data about your demeanor and the ways in which you miss the mark. This may seem like an embarrassing approach, but you’ll use the recordings to review your behavior. There’s no need to show them to anybody else.

5. Be Specific and Use Personal Anecdotes
Presentations that convey generic information that’s readily available will never be successful. Rather, people would like to learn from the experience of the presenter.  Focus on niche topics that you feel competent enough in. Use your knowledge and your skills to your advantage. Including a few personal anecdotes in the presentation is also a good idea. This way, you’ll establish the relevance of the topic and the passion that you have for it.

6. Let Somebody See You Practicing
A friend or a coworker can be your practice audience. You shouldn’t be embarrassed about involving somebody else in the process. After all, you plan on delivering a presentation in front of a much bigger audience.

7. Work on Your Body Language
Body language is as important as information for a powerful presentation.

Make sure that you exude confidence rather than nervousness. Refrain from running your fingers through your hair, playing with your face or tucking them in your pockets. Work on appearing relaxed and in control of the situation. This is where recording your practice sessions will come in handy.

8. Take a Moment and Breathe
When nervous, most of us tend to speed up in an attempt to get it over with. If you feel such an urge, take a deep breath, pause for a second and continue. This simple approach will have a profoundly positive impact on your delivery.

9. Smile
Remember one thing most audiences are sympathetic, and they’d like you to succeed. It’s a good idea to smile at the audience while making the delivery. This way, you’ll establish a connection and a positive vibe that people will enjoy.

10. Get the Audience Actively Engaged
The final of the ten ways develop presentation style is attempting to get the audience actively engaged. This will break the ice and create a more casual ambiance.

Think twice before you speak, because your words and influence will plant the seed of either success or failure in the mind of another.Napoleon Hill

You can accomplish the goal by asking a question and making people raise their hands. It’s also a good idea to take audience questions. Such an approach will increase the relevance of the information and make you a more relatable presenter.